Re-representation of multimodal empirical material

Since 2014 I have been thinking about how to represent multimodal empirical material in an academic journal by other modes than written text. As involved in the journal Designs for Learning we presented a special call for manuscripts that related to this issue some years ago. We received some manuscript and one of them we decided to move forward with. It was harder than we thought it should be but today the first article is published with a peer-reviewed animation. Read the article by Kate Cowan


Visual communication is beginning to dominate communication in several domains. In education, for example, the use of moving images is easily distributed to pupils with digital tools, and students create multimodal artefacts as part of their learning outcomes. When using video as an observation tool, it results in a dense flow of information in different modes of communication.

In this special collection focus are on exploring how multimodal transcriptions can be re-represented and transformed into audiovisual representations on a screen in an academic journal.

The special collection is an open call which means that manuscripts can be submitted continuously. Submit multimedia items to be peer-reviewed for publication alongside with your written analysis. Read more here 

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